As I stand dripping wet

naked to the world in my

pure as snow, white, waist length plastic jacket

with my shiny blue knee length zipper front

sexy prostitute boots

knocking at your door

cherry lollipop wet w/ anticipation

rolling around on my tongue, the words already

trying to drip from my lips,

salivating words waiting,

I had to slurp up my prose, and try

to walk away with my head held high

U said "come", I came


U never answered

U were there

I know w/someone else

U made me feel invisible

Author's Notes/Comments: 

POSTED 9/24/02

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Ernest Bevans's picture

You make my writing feel sloppy.
Your technique, your lines,
your voice all tight. No word
or line out of place.
WoW - you are a piece of wonder.