Running from their thought,
my thought
thoughts of destruction
thoughts of torment
they race through their head,
and my soul,
all wanting one thing.
To destroy
my life, my soul
to demolish all
all I have created
all I have lived for
there is but one question,
When will it happen?
when will I fall?
when will I be destroyed,
how long will I hold for
how long must I hang on?
I can't go on much longer,
clinging to this life, and,
and it's surroundings
yes, soon I will fall
my life will be broken
soul destroyed
all I lived for gone,
Wow. . . this was kind of a dark poem. No butterflies and happy endings in this one. However, I must say that I can relate. Especially living in the day and age that we live in. However I strive to NOT be so easily defeated. Through my struggle my life will have purpose and meaning, and no one will be able to take that away.