
Tyler Baptiste

My Portfolio
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Amherst , N.S., Canada

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

Writing poetry, lisining to music, reading, playing on the computer, and helping people out.

War is fought for power, power is money, money is our economy, our econmy is currupt, curruption leads to violence, violence leads to war, And WAR once again leads back to us the economy. If we just left us out, we would have a powerful war with enough money to out buy the enemys violent curruption.

About My Navel

not bad

Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

If love is a weekness then I pitty the truly strong people.

If armogedden is the mother of all disasters then I will run to her with open arms.


Member for
23 years 50 weeks