Close my eyes and be done

So tired am i

At one time i thought

Thought i could do it

Thought I could go on

But now

Now i am not sure

So tired

Such a struggle just to breathe

To much strength it takes to live

Cant i just close my eyes and be done

Just let me lay here for awhile

Let me rest

I will get up i promise

Will get up when the day comes

The day i have the strength to carry on

But for now

Let me rest

Let me close my eyes and be done

For its been so long

Since i felt peace

Since these demons have left me alone

Since i have had the strength to carry on

So again i ask

Let me alone Please

Let me close my eyes and be done

Author's Notes/Comments: 

ever felt like calling it quits?

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Jim Becker's picture

Yep those thoughts have crossed my mind "back than" but I kept hearin my grandmas voice sayin..."life is hard dont let it get on top of ya"...I didnt and been ridin it ever since.....Ride on sweetheart....Jim