A love Once Had

So young we were

Thinking love was all we need

Together all the time

Never wanting the other to leave

A baby we would see

Evidentlly not meant to be

Words said

Tears shed

Years would go by before the wounds healed

Or did they

We speak of old times

We have even laughed

Never forgetting a love once had

But oh so young were we

Now older and some say wiser

Both gone on with our lives

But still holding on to a love once had

This time knowing

That friends is all we were meant to be

Yes still I love

But a love once had

Author's Notes/Comments: 

always my first love..always my friends... yrs have gone by and we have both changed... but am so grateful thru it all we can still be friends

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poetvg's picture

Beautiful work .

Tim / manatee Marshall's picture

HI, this gets my highest critique (W I D I) wish i'd done it,we relate in poem land very much,thanks fo sharing