A Lie
« on: January 20th, 2002, 12:57am »
Toghether we laughed
we cried
we even smiled
and yet you lied
do you not know
that truth been told
would save so much
but they flow from you
like a raging river
those lies, those stories
each one changing day to day
do you not know how to tell the truth
or is it your purpose in life
to lie n destroy
so i ask this of you
my so called friend
before you open that mouth
stop and think
how would you feel
if it were you here
on the recieving end
A LIE, ? purpose servers,you must be a sagit~? never knowed how to spell that one! after scorpio tho lol
peple don't understand that when they lie they lie to thierselfs,do someone wrong =you did it wron to yourself also,getting over gets ya kicked back in the head,old but true WHAT goes around,bye sweetie i read 12 liked 11 very much,that should make you wonder huh ?ll