Empty stare



Oh, I wonder

If dogs wonder

What it's like

To be a human


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S74RW4RD's picture

My own dog, a chihuahua, Lady

My own dog, a chihuahua, Lady Zoey in my poems here and just Zoey around the house, as an uncanny abiility to predict when I am ill.  She will hop up on my lap and stare into my eyes, as if she is looking right through me.  Inveitably, I become ill---which, lately, has been a lot.  So, Lady Zoey has been busy a lot.  She is too gracious to ask for overtime.


patriciajj's picture

"empty stare" So that's

"empty stare"


So that's what is going on behind those eyes.


If they ever do figure us out, they'll be grateful to be what they are. Love your bright little ponderings. 

lyrycsyntyme's picture

May I chime in a pondering:

May I chime in a pondering: Do they even see us as human, or hairless, upright alpha male dogs? And thus, do they wonder what it is like to be an alpha in a pack? And on cold, rainy days, are they glad to trade subordinance for fur? ; )