in that one-way mirror again








in that one-way mirror again







high up in his flying train,
he gathers up his
thoughts once again




a seeming intersection
while the Tokyo music
was revivified in his
digital song collections




sure, they never admitted
their needful urges just to
warrant their utmost desires




to live in heaven peacefully
but the firmament,
where was that exactly?




we may forever escape
our scathing and snide
remarks thrown unto each other




the overarching cultural
relativism, capitalism,
individual differences,

language barriers,

denialism & its power




your misdeeds are forgiven
by him, like a muscle twitch
unlike when he needed to scratch
whatever it is when compared

to an itch




he came along
she was the song
but just without words
and tender caresses
of samurai swords










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