Saint Jude is angry..
that animals are being harmed
at a hospital named after him..
that the hospital is accepting
money from those who promote hunting..
St Jude, patron of impossible causes,
is going now to help God end
all forms of animal abuse
Senator Frist.. should
be called
the senator from Indianapolis
since he represents..
many more than ten see..
the interests of Eli Lilly..
not the people of Tennessee
if you lived down the street from both st jude and the target house and interracted with the children and families of st. jude's children's research hospital, you might not be so harsh about the research methods at the hospital... i'm just as against unnecessary and merciless slaughter as anyone, but the benefits in this case far outweigh the costs....
the lives of these incredible children are being prolonged and saved... that is not to be overlooked.