The NIH coven strikes ...
with a recommedatio that rather than
eliminate cholesterol in animal products
people take not one but TWO
NIH.. junta drug pushers
NIH.. animal abusers
NIH.. soldier killers (pushing vaccines which have
killed at least 20,000 soldiers)
NIH.. a coven of frankensteins
The heartbeat of a vegetarian is 20 beats less per minute..
a pump which sends forth the same amount of blood
with less stress
The heartbeats of vegans and fruitarians are
even less
American soldiers sutopsied in Vietnam and Korea had
arteriosclerosis even in their teens and twenties,
from the high fat animal protein diet
The uric acid or trioxypurine stimulant in meat
.. accelerates the heartbeat unnaturally
Since meateaters weigh, says Ivy Leage researcher Dr
Mervyn Hardinge 12 lbs. more than dairy vegetarians
and 23 lbs more than vegans..
meateaters' obesity is a factor in heart disease
The adrenalin secreted by terrorized animals
in slaughter.. is a protein enzyme only partially broken
by the heat of cooking.. many links remain to
accelerate the heartbeat as it recreates the anger
and fright and terror of slaughter in the human consumer.