Orrin Hatch
.. scofflaw
(Cook, Akron native, has become a judicial serial killer..
7 people have been executed with her vote.. Arshinkoff
also has blood on his hands)
Bush Nominees Shunted Through Committee
Thursday, February 27, 2003
WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans forced committee approval of three of President Bush's judicial nominees Thursday, despite Democrats' efforts to delay action as they have delayed the high-profile nomination of Miguel Estrada to the federal appellate bench.
Senate Judiciary Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, overrode committee rules to send U.S. Appeals Court nominees Deborah Cook and John Roberts to the Republican-controlled Senate, despite Democratic objections that they had the right to continue hold the nominees in committee.
"We're not going to have filibusters in committee," said an often-angry Hatch at the end of a three-hour hearing in which sharp words were exchanged between himself and Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass.
The three-hour hearing was heated at times, with Democrats at one point walking out to prevent Hatch from having enough committee members present to vote and Hatch and Kennedy exchanging sharp words. "You may bully some but you're not going to bully me," Kennedy told Hatch.
"You're not going to bully me either," Hatch replied later.
For three weeks, Democrats have held up a confirmation vote on Estrada's nomination by threatening a full-blown filibuster to force him to answer more of their questions.
But Democrats now are likely at least to ask for an extended Senate floor debate on Roberts and Cook to protest Hatch's action, even though both got votes from Judiciary Democrats.
Sen. Patrick Leahy of Vermont, the lead Judiciary Democrat, said Hatch is ignoring committee rules that require a Democrat to agree to end a committee filibuster. Hatch said Senate parliamentarians informed him that as chairman he could force a vote on the president's nominees
why Hatch is in power http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/votefraud.html