Third Trimester Ban

The prolife and prochoice armies for the most part admit

that most Americans are in between their 2 polarities..

some wanting only 1st trimester allowed, some wanting

1st and 2nd.

May God end third trimester or partial birth abortions

in the US and everywhere, now.

May God align each of us to Your will..

for only You know when the soul enters the body

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I can honestly say that this is the closest thing to a descent response that I have ever heard from a raging liberal concerning abortion... It is just my opinion but there is only left one thing out... why not just have the baby and allow it to be adopted and live far away so that the mother never had to be burdened by the reminder of whatever heinous thing happened to her that would make her consider ending a life? The regret about giving up a a baby for adoption can't possibly overshadow the guilt in taking it's life. Even the argument of soul exits gracefully when you consider that the potential for a beautiful life exist at conception... Abortion is still taking a life... soul or not. Adoption brings the chance at a happy life not only for the child but for the adopting parents as well. I know... I have an adopted daughter and she is the light of my life... I have nightmares about her birth mother aborting her and never being able to hold her little hand or kiss her goodnight. :(