Is it a mystery
that during the Vietnam War
more were upset by
the burning of a draft card
than the burning of Kim Phuc,
the little girl set on fire
by napalm?
Is it a mystery that
now.. archeologists are
more upset that buildings
will be destroyed than
that living temples of
Spirit are being killed?
Is it a mystery that
now.. some are more upset
by the burning of the flags
of different nations
than by the burning of
babies, one of whom was held
crying in his mother's arms
with half of his face burned this
Love is the universal solvent..
Father Mother God help all to see the unripe
love in these men.. and women..
Remove the anger which bullies cause to arise in me..
help me not to judge.. not to have hard and fast opinions..
to see all as You see all... let me realize that I were
more progressed spiritually, these things would not
arouse anger in me
O porkworm may the babies no longer burn and may the wars be evaided as god will forever clense our souls