Conquer Scarcity Consciousness

As we watch the Social Security Administration tell

women and men who have waited all their lives

... for the gifts of being 65..

they are told.. two more months.. as money is

diverted to kill the children of Iraq

rather than to nurture the older.

As we watch Ospreys and Black Hawks crash

and ignite.. human beings..

while diverting billions from the poor

we flirt with fear.

Yet Genesis teaches us a lesson.

Each acre of ground can become 100 to 1000 lbs

  of rotting cadaverous animal flesh (meat)

or it can be 450,000 pounds of fresh fruit..

  woven from sunlight.

Each of us has infinity within. The God who multiplied

the desert loaves

inside each of us multiplication power leaves.

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"The God..loaves..power leaves."
Powerful sensitivity.