BP's Concubine: "Boycott Watch"

British Petroleum  was involved as the Anglo Iranian

Oil Company in 4 invasions (1941 1958 1991 among them)

of Iraq in the 20th Century. It

set up puppet governments. Kuwait, a province of Iraq,

had its 'national boundary' lines drawn by a BP oil

engineer during the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

BP's concubine is a group called

Boycott Watch.. which promotes BP products under

the guise that BP

purchases less Arab oil than Shell.

BP has dominated Ohio and other Midwest states for over 100

years.. it gobbled up Sohio,

the raping corporation of John D Rockefeller,

pricegouges with both gas

and food at its stations, bribes and buys legislators to work

against mass transit, contributes to warmongers such as Mike

DeWine and George Voinovich.

Rupert Murdoch, Ariel Sharon pawn with a worldwide octopus

of tv, radio, movies, newspapers, and magazines,

(NewsCorp and Fox) has a local affiliate Fox 8

which is promoting BP, a company which broke its

contract with the City of Cleveland as it has broken

many contracts with Mother Earth and its workers.

Fox 8 has nonstop war promotion. Wilma Smith and Tim

Taylor read whatever they are told to read.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Exxon Mobil, BP, Shell,
Occidental have worse
records than Marathon
and Sunoco.

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to Boycott Watch previous poster Donovan,
A petroplutocrat run govt
such as the US' is not a respectable source
for information on BP, Shell, Exxon, Occidental
or other planetary rapists.

God destroy the power of the petroplutocracy to
destroy the planet and manipulate govts. and cause war
now and forever

Donovan's picture

Boycott Watch is in no way "BP's concubine," nor are we associated with any oil company. We posted a report of oil imports based on US Government reports.