9 Cow Haiku


attached to electronic

milking machines, cows' udders


and the mastitis causes

them to drop mucus

into the milk

In the spring when

their babies are separated

from them to be butchered

as veal, they break down

the fences to try to

get to them.. Human Herods

slaughtering the innocent

One slipped on the mud

and split herself up the

middle.. she lay on the ground

with legs going both ways

for several days before she died

In Chino California

6000 cows suffocated in

the mud after rains

American men have 8 times

the prostate cancer of

Japanese men.. and more

than Europeans where female

hormones in milk are banned

McDonald's, Burger King,

and Wendy's use exhausted

old and infertile young

dairy cows

The 5th Circuit ruled

that Howard Lyman and

Oprah Winfrey could not

be sued for telling the truth

about Mad Cow in the US

The countries with the highest

meat consumption have the

most intestinal cancer. They

are the US, Argentina, Chile,

Australia, Canada.

Breeders select for breeding

those cows who are most docile

and will go most meekly to


Yet Geoffrey Rudd has found

that in the wild cows

quickly again become


4H teaches children to

nurture animals..

only to kill them.

G B Shaw sat next

to a man with only vegetables

on his plate.

Shaw asked if he

was a vegetarian..

the man said 'nope..

meat inspector'





Is it true that people take on the

characteristics of the tortured murdered

animals they consume?

Do chickeneaters become timid and scattered?

Is this human chauvinism?

Is this insulting sweet little birds?

Perhaps it is only imprisoned chickens

  who are timid and scattered.




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That for the most part is not a haiku, save the first paragrah which was. By the way, Chino did not have six thousand cows suffercate in the mud after a rain. I live in the next city and they have no such problem, must be a misunderstanding