Employees locked
in to factories
midnight shift
.. a form of slavery
a glass ceiling for
women.. unable
to rise
wetlands destroyed
for ugly new
low wage employees
told how to
apply for food stamps
employees told to
clock out.. so
as not to get
Gates' fortune
receives much coverage..
but the Waltons together
are worth more..
while the media seldom
mentions them
Attorney Dyer of Dayton is requesting names of Walmart
employees who were locked into factories.
The UFCW http://www.ufcw.org has a classaction lawsuit
against Walmart.
When Sam Walton died he left 17 billion to each of
5 children.. money made from the backs of the 3rd
world poor, money stolen from Walmart workers by professional
union busters, money stolen from women not allowed to
advance as men do in the corporation, money stolen
from cows and sheep and pigs whose flesh is advertised
for sale, money stolen from Mother Earth, whose
trees have been razed to make way for these ugly
flat roofed buildings unsafe in snow or tornado.
Walmart's bosses promote the bulldozers of Ariel Sharon
as well as tree destroying bulldozers in the US.
Vote with your dollars. Avoid Walmart.
God cause the Waltons to return the stolen money
.. to recognize unions.. to help women as well as men
to advance at Walmart.. to plant 3 trees for every 1 felled
.. to promote vegan foods and stop selling meat..
God You decide whether Walmart aligns to Your nonviolent
will.. or disappears
I like your style.........reminds me of mine........check me out.....peace!!!!!