Rush Limbaugh

Not til the mirror

was broken into shards

did he realize

he was guilty of projection

of his own reflection

.. guilty of hurting

millions of hearts

named Rush for the speed

with which he ran from the battles

for which he recruits the children

of the poor

Clear Channel Pornographer

Plutocrats' Peon

Pharma's Pawn

Profiteer off the Poor

Puppet of the Pentagon

Poultry Abuser

from dawn to dawn..


Chickenhawk (one who sends others to wars

  to which he will not go)

You have hearing problems

because you are not listening

to the voice of God

We know of the laryngectomies

.. the debarking.. done of dogs

in research facililities.. so

that they can not bark to register

their pain..

Why? are dogs debarked

when Rush is not?

God who has promised to answer our prayers

no matter by what name we invoke You..

thank You for taking this warmonger

off the air today and for the rest

of his life.


Author's Notes/Comments:
Pharma is a trade organization of pricegouging animal abusing fatality
causing drug companies

Please boycott the sponsors of Clear
Channel, ABC, Fox,
Viacom and the sponsors
of Rush Limbaugh..

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AJ Urquhart's picture

I do say, Bravo!! Bravo!!

John Eucare's picture

Oh lamenting liberals leaving lewd language languish lifelessly and limp as their fallen faces frown at the frightful fate that they have found. Such a fly infested flaccid fecal heap of their own fear. He he he he - Rush sends his regards