Dear George
Now the Texas SBC wants 50 cents a call.. when
the poor who have no phones could not afford 1 precious
Now the gas is pricegouged.. way up.. by the BP which
invaded Iraq in 1920, 1941, 1958 and 1991.. under
other names such as British Army or Anglo Iranian Oil Co.
Our Social Security used as security to borrow from Japanese
Chinese British Israeli and Swiss bankers... for war
HAARP is making it freezing cold as they fail to keep
demonstraters out of big cities
You have allowed more butchers into our national forests
You have allowed much more arsenic in our waters
and the fruit which falls free from the trees costs more
than many can pay.
Your USDA wants insecticide filled food to be given
to chickens.. later to be murdered and sold as organic.
Shelters have many more requests. There are armed guards
at places the poor shop.
Your Ashcroft is trying to make murderers out of clemency
Your CIA is torturing people in Afghanistan
Your bombers have sealed bears in caves there.
May you no longer need approval from your father.
May you no longer use the Bible to promote war in
the name of Jesus who told Peter to put down his sword.
Matthew Scully continues to write for you.. hoping
to have influence
Amen to that.
Melissa Marina Flores
Preach on, we just gotta make sure to get his ass out of office in 2004. Stay strong and speak your mind.