The Coming


The world set in darkness

The coming evil slithers round

Vulnerability swells to bid

Destruction boldly sounds


No moon to light the lane

A path lay unguided

Anxiety breathing heavy

Force our strengths; united


A deathly hunger thrives

Consuming where it treads

Leaving only trampled meat

Blood like fire spreads


A wickedness so thirsty

Here to only take

Teeth bared yet grinning

There is no escape









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truthintragedies's picture

Thanks Matt. :)

Thanks Matt. :)

**if it's an eye for an eye, then we'll all go blind.**

Carcass's picture

Great rhyme schemes and the

Great rhyme schemes and the first stanza reminds me of a witchcraft spell based on the style and flow.

Dont_punch_grandpa's picture

"No moon to light the lane"

"No moon to light the lane" beautiful! Love this

"Some people die at 25 but buried at 75" Benjamin Franklin 

truthintragedies's picture

Thank you for all the

Thank you for all the compliments. You've definitely made me smile.

**if it's an eye for an eye, then we'll all go blind.**