"Though the moon shades the sun,
and thunder shakes the sea,
Powerless, both Nature and Time
to rend you from me."
I've dreamed no dream of you that won't come true.
Though seeming sleeping, my joy swoons, awake!
"To sleep" does not mean "dreaming" - - better : take
two close-lain symbols: us. Blent through and through.
Glance and touch will combine in Love's embrace.
This heat is more than blush" it's Ardor's bloom.
Our eyes fill each with each as air this room.
Two bodies, part-for-part unite with grace.
We dreamed, apart, of sharing total bliss.
We share on Eros's and Aphrodite's couch,
for truest Love - - delayed - - is not denied.
Frail male's devoutest wish : to find the touch
of his heart's long-lost heiress - - Eden's seed.
I offer you my Joy complete in this.
Your sensually delightful sonnets reach a place that Rossetti's did not, could not. Your writing is delicately phrased and conveys all perfectly. This is wonderful expression of love.