We are the same...

would i be wrong
if i said we were the same
us girls that always try
to keep ourselves sane
from highschool sweeties
to broken hearts
such close relationships
just torn apart
im sure at one time
we felt like dying
cuz the boy we loved in school
left us alone and crying
im also quite sure
that we all had a crush
that boy that just turned
our heart into slush
i know we love
our compliments from guys
but the one we really want
is the one that never tries
lets be hoest here
those butterflies you get
are there when you hear his name
and more when you see him i bet
we like a guy who cares
about how we feel inside
not the guy who is there
just for the free "ride"
tell me you havent been
embarrassed beyond belief
tell me it didnt cause you
a tremendous amount of grief
correct me if im wrong
we learn from our mistakes
we move on and try again
with much less heartbreaks
i know its hard sometimes
to trust that one at all
but if you never trust them
they wont be there when you fall
take it from me
ive been hurt before
ive been in that pain
and much much more
tell me we all
havent felt this way
tell me we arent the same
at least one time a day.

Tia Marie Thompson

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This goes out to all the girls that have all them little feelings locked up inside. maybe i spoke for you, maybe i didnt. what i do know is that i have felt this way many times....and i know im not the only one. we are only human.....feeling love and what you want love to be is natural....read it.....ur not alone.

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I believe these feelings

I believe these feelings don't just fall to one gender. I know I had my fair share of heartbreaks through my youth and currently trying to make sense of the most recent one. We always say guys are dicks and women are bitches. The human race in general is very shallow and opportunistic in sexual activity. we both suck.


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Lol I completely agree with

Lol I completely agree with you on that one. I guess I didn't think of writing it as a guy or girls point of view cuz I am a girl and Iguess I was more thinking about how similar us women really are. But I like how you described it much better because we really are the same in some aspect