Movement of the Flesh

Trains carry you thru the endtimes

Voyeuristic mellows

Flow on calm seas of green

Beside the tracks your forefathers laid

Their lives down for

A penchant for drama

Can purge the victim of righteousness

While elevating to nobility

The status of the slain

We of the antis

A movement of the flesh

Can predict the gender of tragedy

Without fail

As we have been borne of those parents

With the best of times to speak of

Illnesses cured

And never returning envelopes

Written dreamletters burning

And a curse in a white candle

Befitting a kingly villain

For heaven is but a concept

Hell is but a flavour

And life is but a dream

Author's Notes/Comments: 

YOU tell ME what it's about...

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Veronica Williams's picture

Concept there and embedded in black and white across the screen. True to the eyes and thought-provoking for the neurons.

God bless!

Meg Marquardt's picture

I have no idea what the hell this poem is about, but I do know I like it. I'll get back to on the meaning, but in the mean time, keep writing! This poem is fan-frickin-tasitc!