He is such a bitch,man

I am such a bitch, man

Can you believe I cheered the women's soccer team defeat?

Count the times I sent a stupid tweet

To count to ten I use my feet!


I am such a moron

Here is something I did that nobody else would ever do

I attempted to climb Mountain Dew

Think that's pretty dumb, don't you?

You watch 60 Minutes?

It takes me like two hours to watch that show. I'm telling you it's true


The other day, was driving in my van

Stopped at a stop sign, I don't understand 

Waited for 3 hours, the sign never turned green, man!

God, I'm such a stupid man!



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The Mt. Dew line definitely

The Mt. Dew line definitely made me laugh.


We are ill as a society, too often taking joy in each other's demise. Thankfully this twisted 'celebration' was only over soccer. But we've all seen people celebrate more serious losses.