Glory days

I remember my glory days

Was in Washington Square

When this guy there

Came up to me and said

'Want some coke?

Wanna try it?'

I said

'Do you have a Diet?'

That remark he didn't like

Told me to take a hike

In the aftermath

Went home, took a bath

Oh, those days of glory

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Just say no

Just say no to diet coke!!

That stuff will kill ya.

Did you know that diet coke

Acts like formaldehyde in the body?

And coke, well my mom's said she was taken to a plant when she was a kid and they showed her how quickly coke disintegrates the flesh off of bones. 

Don't use coke! It's bad for you health in all forms. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

Teytonon's picture

Haha omg

ok. Point taken!