My place in space

If you're like me When you get into something

You do it enthusiastically wholeheartedly

You might agree I recently joined this site

I find it to be a good place for me

It's kind of like my therapy Don't get me wrong

I don't belong in solitary Oh mercy me


I realize it's just a place in cyberspace

It has no halls, no pictures on the walls

Walls? There's no walls here you idiot

No dining area No cafeteria

And I won't fool ya No a/c or water cooler

It's hard to explain


To some other human They say

What has happened to you man

Well I don't know Told them to shove it

I like this place In fact.... Let me speak

I ....let's just leave it at like for now

I mean

It's only been a little over a week!


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Do I have the suspicion some of you feel the same way?

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Jesster's picture


I think somewhere i have written a poem about being addicted to PP. Lol.

I think writing is a decently healthy addiction.

Copyright © JessterStarshine

Teytonon's picture


I think I saw it on your profile page. It actually gave me the idea though I feel about the same.thanks By the way, I got tired of using 'lol'. Switched to 'los' -laughing out softly. Much better imo.

sootyash's picture


Laughing out softly actually makes more sense. How do we abbreviate chuckles?

© Sootyash All rights reserved.

Teytonon's picture

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Jesster's picture

i tried to find my postpoems

i tried to find my postpoems addiction poem but could not come up with it. bummer. You probably would have los'd.

Copyright © JessterStarshine

Teytonon's picture

Reply to you

Better to have loved and los’d than never to have los’d at all.

Jesster's picture


Too funny.

I'm all about the Los. 


Copyright © JessterStarshine