Played hookee very krafty

Robert Kraft is an owner

He didn't want to be a loner

So at age seventy seven

He thought he found heaven

With a girl from China

With a young vagina


But he got busted

He shouldn't have trusted

Any girl from China

With a young vagina

How we all laughed

At Robert Kraft

The owner who had a boner


He shouldn't have been so shady

He should have found a nice lady

Like his quarterback

Tom Brady


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Wrote this on 2/23

Very happy

I didn't delete it

Or else I

Would feel defeated

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Jesster's picture

I don't know who those people are

However, this has a darkly comical ring to it. 

Copyright © JessterStarshine

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Thank you for responding. If you're interested, you can click the link I added for the backstory. Thanks.