Distance Lovers


      I don"t need to see you, to make love to you,

      if with fingers of mind, I can define your loving

      form, all I need to is to love you, to wrap my

     feelings around you, and consume the passion from

     my heart my soul opens up to you we enjoy a love

   not from this world, dancing in a ritual of loving feelings

   making love again and again, we are never tired of

   each other, always our love is new, am I hungry for love

   no because you make me complete, and I desire no other

   one, but the pleasures from your soul, if we both have

  wings of love, and fly in the sky of soul romance, true

  love needs no flesh, soul mates are just lovers from

   the soul!

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And I know that feeling of being hungry for that long distance lovin'.

Nicole Esparza

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Beautiful Poem. I haven't written any poems in a long time. Distance gets to me. I can't stand those who don't know what it feels like and give so much crap about long distance relationships. If you are not involved in one, you don't understand...and never will. I'm kinda in one right now. I've been in it for 4 years now...but we're not dating, but then again, we act like it...I know...weird. If you read my work, it's all mostly about him and myself.
And I'm FINALLY going to meet him this December. I'm so jazzed!!
Just whatever you do, don't let ANYONE tell you that it won't work; that the wait is not worth it. Don't ever give up on your love, because if you want it bad enough, it will come to you. I'm not saying it's easy...because it's hard as hell. Do everything you can to make it work. However long it may take (whether it's 4 days or 4 years), don't give up. Good things come to those who wait.
Keep up the good work.

Nicole Esparza

post script: I'm sorry this was 2,000 miles long. :)