Burden Of Fear

In my heart

Is a secret place

That no-one in this lifetime

Has ever reached,

Until now.

Then you came along

And searched so deep

And saw so much

And liked anyway.

You stole a little piece of me

The first time we spoke

And every time since

So now there is nothing left of me to give

But myself.

How I long for the moment

When we first meet

I wonder if we will fall into each others arms

Or if I will be restrained.

I wonder if what we seem to have Always had

Will be confirmed,

In that first meeting,

I long for that moment


Yet with trepidation!

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qibr's picture

"Desperately.... Yet with trepidation!" Do you know me? This hit so close to home, it wa salmost scary. Nicely done.

Valhjim's picture

It is obvious that your poems are well thought out. This is extremely deep & meaningful. I truly enjoyed the feelings you expressed. Good job! Amy

Valhjim's picture

Hi Tan Tis amazing what thoughts come to mind when our minds start to wonder and dream! :) Well written...good one Roz :)

Valhjim's picture

Smilesz..the contradiction of love: so wildly and passionate , yet fluttering with veiled doubts... U portrayed it very well in this poem...well done!!!