Jim Valero

My Portfolio
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Mexico City

More About Me

What I want you to know about me...

I like playing acoustic guitar, writing poetry, and reading. And the Wide World Web, of course!
I love nature, cold weather, clouds, the moon, galaxies, space, Guinness, red wine, good company, American history, jazz, rock, Debussy, Chopin.

I hate cables, wires, and clothes hangers!

I have been in love with poetry since I was a young kid. Something in the sound of words, and the rhythm of sentences, the very texture of certain word-sounds, and combinations of phonemes in the English language fascinated me. Later on, I fell in love with the Beatles, and the whole 60's poetry and music Renaissance. Lyrics to me became the words of the New Bards who joined again poetry and music like the ancient Anglo-Saxon scops, and the Celtic bards.

This is partly why I decided to pursue a major in English literature. Now, besides teaching I enjoy listening to Celtic and New Age music, Crosby, Stills, and Nash, and Young, Dylan, and acoustic music. I also enjoy jazz, electronic music, & classical. Debussy is one of my all-time favorite composers.

What I love to do now is to meet other beautiful people in love with poetry and music, to share poetry, ideas, and help one another write better and become more loving and creative human beings. Please, feel free to write & share your work & ideas. Visit my poetry Website called "Instants Flicker" at the URL address above.

About My Navel

My navel...delves deep inside the hub of the universe. It's softly round, sensually evocative, suggestive, softly poetic, transcendental, in harmony with the all, highly adaptive to other beautiful navels of the opposite sex!

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Favorite Stuff (poets, poems, quotes, hobbies, etc.)

''Beauty is truth, truth beauty--that is all
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.''
--John Keats


Member for
23 years 51 weeks