Sandwich (2024 challenge day 32)


make me a sandwich

make me a command

not much else I can do

but tell you what you want to hear


give me perspective

but only his

wouldn’t that be a stunning way to write me out


speaking of stunning

no speaking just glittering

silly little gingerbread robot

tell you what you want to hear


give me extremes

I can stay here or I can throw it all away

lock the doors and windows

I’m not allowed to make another sandwich


let me down from this shining pedestal

& send me straight to hell

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 4/26/24


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Not so challenging, it would appear

Hey, these little Poetry 'challenges' of yours are paying off so divinely the result I cant stop myself from savoring the beauty and truth of your sweet, despairing sandwiches. But so delicious, and well worth the trip to the grocery store, you know, for more and more.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not