I promise not to promise anymore
I promise to let my promises sit in the corner
until they’re shut closed with my numbers
spin them into fairy dust
and tell you how much one promise could mean
They sit with the things I have tried to make sense of
the crosslinked letters I will never send
let me cover my face once again
there is something
so soothing
in anonymity
I think sometimes
you can shut me off
and I promise sometimes I’m a queen
and sometimes I have trouble remembering why I exist
I promise until this truth drags me down
So I have said most of the whispers I’ve heard when I’m alone
I think that can pass as telling most of the truth
so it comes back at me like a tidal wave
and I swallow the salt that tells me to promise
Otherwise who would listen to the lines on my hands
that I think might be mazes
but someone once told me are magic
I have no way to know how much you are living
I promise you are worth more than me
so I push all the truth into my promise box it is enough
I swear you’re enough
Once Written
"...who would listen to the lines on my hands..."
fine, just fine writing. - slc