Icarus (day 70)

Maybe flying too close to the sun just had something to do with

needing the light,

chasing the dawn


The people of sparks understand

with their earth walls and their lanterns,

forever searching for something they don’t know

but they know they need


Maybe flying too close to the sun just had something to do with

loving the sky,

breathing pure stardust

while he still could


I feel his longing like a stab to my chest

down here on the ground,

the only time I get close to the light

is with my back to the grass

staring up at the stars.


I want to go out with a burst of smoke-

not a candle, a firework-

maybe then I’ll meet Icarus

on the surface of the sun.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written 10/7/16


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J9thxciv's picture

After forty-three years of

After forty-three years of reading poems, very few of them actually leave me at a loss for words.  But the beauty, the profound emotion, and the conversational tone of this poem just stops me in my tracks.  This poem is great, and you should be very proud of it.  Your contemporary use of the myth is excellently, and very successfully deployed.


allets's picture


That's where Icarus is hanging out.  "...back to the grass..." nice. ~A~