

Grey-stained moon fades in morning twilight

Fades in mourning twilight

Not even the sun can warm the hearts of men

Made of stone

I feel like a drifting hollow statue

No warmth on my blank face

Can't even catch the rays on my crumbled fingertips

All just fades to grey

Dwindles down to nothing

Can't feel

Can't weep

Nobody loves a statue

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Relationally idiotic.

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Sarah Allard's picture

This is absolutely beautiful. Truly.

perception's picture

Your ideas always seem so origonal. I've been reading poetry for so long, I seems like I am reading the same things over and over. it is so nice to find an author who rights refreshing and completely origonal work. I like the concept here of being made of stone, like often people compare thier heart to stone.