What has happened to make him thus.
Turn his back on those of us
Who seek to help, compensate.
Change his life, set him straight.
Dusk's dark night, from early dawn
He just keeps walking, walking on.
Walks the damp and dreer forlorn.
His life, his clothes, rag'd and torn.
Shuffles down the snow peaked street
Thin plastic bags won't warm his feet.
He's always here, though never there,
He wanders on and goes nowhere.
Church bells now for him have tolled.
His life has gone, his story's old
Yet, still it should be told.
What need was his to live a tramp
When he had thousands in the bank?
I like the "Old Man"
I like the "Old Man" story...no reason
Thank you, I often think of
Thank you, I often think of him. Sue.