I'm sorry....*

Im sorry that I saw you.

Im sorry that I smiled.

Im sorry that I liked you.

Im sorry that I cared.

Im sorry that I knew,

I'd have to spend my life without you here

Im sorry I soon became obbsessed.

Im sorry that I feel so hard for you.

Im sorry that I cried so many nights alone.

Im sorry that I loved you from the moment that I met you.

Im sorry but your so great I just could not resist.

Being without you in my life just makes me want to die,

And  belive me when I say all of this to you it's not at all a lie

As long as i go on without you in my life my heart will remain to cry.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I worte this poem about an experience with someone I care about and have known most of my life.

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Erica, Don't be so sad. Let him go. Pretend he is a snowman and next winter or before you will have a nicer one, that appreciates you. Take care. Linda