The terror of the question spared my trembling lips my jitterbug arms, legs
Expelled instead like a deflating balloon in a big empty ballroom
barely audible sound as it gases is way to the floor
its first/last breath
If the house lights went up i know i'd see you beside me, sombre but helpless
It's no use hiding that little honest pin in your hand, but you let it drop to the floor anyway
loud as a scream under covers
And it's no use hiding the party hat on my head, but i take it off anyway, toss it aside
like i knew there wasn't anything to celebrate
like we pretend to have understood each other all along
like we arrived here in this room just to admire the paint job
like we don't have the faintest idea why there's a shapeless scrap of once-hopeful latex drawing our eyes out from behind their closed shutters; a big mess that wants to be mopped up but i didn't see it if you didn't
but OH!
Will you look at the time?
just long enough for me to get out of here
shake off your meaningful stare
this is the best you've ever written.
What's the question?