To the doctors and hospitals

lab techs and ER nurse

if you're ill and can't pay the money

then being sick's a curse


If you cannot pay the mortgage

or your electric or your phone

then you better do some fancy talking

or you'll be thrown out on the lawn


Your car payment and insurance

and the new back porch and pool

if you cannot make the payment

then they say you are a fool


Oh the polititions with their big bucks

and their sex and booze and fraud

it makes me sick to listen

for they're lower than a dog


But I say they are the stupid ones

for folks in office, they just don't give a damn

for they'll suck the blood right from you

and then slap you on your hand


They need to lock themselves all away

and then throw away the key

they need to get from off our backs

 and let deceant people be


Unemployment is growing every day

job losses every where

and when you come right down to it

theres no one to even care


They say the new health care plan

will be good for you and me

but will it be like other countries

and you'll die before the doctor you can see


The lawyer's say, if you have a problem, just call us

if we don't win the case, no fee

but if we happen to get lucky

they'll take two bucks for every three


Oh the rich are getting richer

and the poor are going down

welfare lines are getting longer

and food stamps  are every where around


There is the violence and the blood shed

and the fighting of the wars

our sons are coming home in boxes

and do any of us really know, what they are dying for


Well, I'm disgusted and disallusioned

and I'm surely not alone

I'm tired 'bout hearing of rich folks sins

even tho they say their sorry, and for wrongs they will atone


The national debt is in the trillions

no one can even count that high

I can see it getting higher

and might I ask, just why


Don't let us be to blinded

don't let us fall into the trap again

Don't let hapen to us, what happened that last Septemer morn

don't let us wonder bout the next time, the where, the why, the when


I have almost given up

I think we're too far gone

all the bull crap and the lies have done it

and all our trust has flown


I hope some day it will get better

but I have no faith at all

I think that things will get much worse

and we're headed for a fall


Oh, I know some folks will say I'm talking crazy

and I say, I don't care at all

just let the high climb a little higher

for the harder they will fall


What happened to our heritage

for which the pilgrams came

if Washington and Adams could see us now

they'ed bow their head's in shame


Let America grow strong again

like our fore fathers had intended

and if we can again get on the right track

then some day we might be mended


Old folks won't get a raise this year

on social security checks

the cost of living's getting higher,but does Congress care

just suck it up and what the heck 


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Glad you are saying it out

Glad you are saying it out loud. I've been watching the climb for many years. No doubt it's all gonna come crashing down. Trouble is, it's us that will be crushed. I appreciate your words. -another frustrated and disillusioned American.

Copyright © JessterStarshine