Destroying statues, burning books

Destroying statues, burning books

   By jfarrell



Statues, paintings, art

I feel ill equipped to comment on

My idea of art was 2000AD.


Burning books….

Books I love, books I know;

Some books scare me; yes ban it; burn it;

Some books shame me; yes, ban it, burn it.


But I saw pictures of Mosil, after ISIS;

Like Dresden, after England’s Royal Air Force;

Like Pompei, after the eruption;

Is ‘Holocaust of Art’, ‘Holocaust of History’ the right way?


I have never read, and never will, wotever Hitler’s book was;

But I instinctively want it burned;

Though no personal connection,

I can give you 6 million and more reasons why.


But, I don’t study hate, or politics/religion;

Maybe, if I were clever enough,

Reading this ‘material’ really would help

In resolving all the world’s hate, and achieving Utopia.


A great coldplay song….

“i’m gonna buy this place and burn it down”

There really are some places, some people,

I wanna burn.


But, if we burn our past,

Our history;

How can we learn from it?

And what might it teach us, if we didn’t burn it?


Author's Notes/Comments: 

great line from Sting - "History, will teach us nothing."

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