Living by the Sea


Oh how I miss those days so long ago

When I was living by the sea

Those short 2 years in paradise 

Living in the Florida Keys


The weather there was so perfect no 

matter what the time of year 

Prefect for swimming or boating

Or sitting back enjoying a Beer


The fishing and the snorkeling is

The best in all the land

Walking in the shallow waters

Sinking your feet down in the sand.


The people down there , are

so simple  And always so totally

 laid back, 

Taking their life one day at a time

Never even hearing of,  those so

called "anxiety attacks"


The sunsets are so spectacular 

Those colors seem to fill the air

Celebrated each and every evening 

In Key West at Mallory Square .


Gonna make it back down there

For an extended three week vacation 

To feel that tropical sun on my face

Is such an wonderfully awesome sensation .


Going to make that trip soon as I could

 well at least that's the master plan

While all my neighbors are

Shoveling snow from their driveway 

I'll be working on a suntan. 


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Living By The Sea

Nice one...have fun...I just noticed in the second stanza you had prefect instead of jumped out at me cuz I have been doing lots of dyslexic writing lately for some odd reason...anyway just thought I would let ya know if ya wanna fix it...but nice piece...I remember listening to BeachBoys a lot as a kid and wanting to go out to California as soon as I graduated H.S. to go be a California Surfer Girl...always loved the beach...never got around to surfing though...closest I got was a boogie board in Hawaii and that was a disaster since i tried it at a beach with a sign that said strong swimmers only on the other side of the island...not too bright in my teen years...oh I proofread this before sending and I had thought as htought so it continues to happen to me that dyslexic writing anyways just wanted to let ya know about prefect so you can fix it if ya want...take care cous