Its mid October, the trees are changing

But Something just doesn't seem right, 

I turn on the TV and OMG, the Cubs

are playing Post season Baseball Tonight.

Yes it's true that's cubby blue

Your seeing on your 60 inch screen

 Playing for the National League

Championship , I can't Believe

what I'm seeing. 


Though this has happened before in

The not to distant past, 

But with over 100 wins this season 

I find myself having to ask, 


Could this really be happening?  

Could this really be the year? 

Will all of us Die Hard Cub fans

Be Able to stand up and cheer? 


World series baseball, been waiting 

For this as long as I've been alive ,

Something the North Side of Chicago 

Hasn't seen since 1945.


For those of you not from Chicago 

There's something that you need to know 

The fact they may be playing baseball 

In November 

They just might be playing in

The SNOW. 







Author's Notes/Comments: 


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Nice one...I don't follow sports at all but when I was a kid we went to plenty of Cubs games and I used to watch them on TV with my dad...i remember we would both be watching the game in our lazy boy recliners and both promptly fell asleep and my mom would come in the room and change the channel and we both immediately woke up and were like hey we were watching the game...ha ha...I was such a major tomboy...always playin baseball mostly at the park...I guess I would rather play than watch but glad Cubbies are winning...I hope we don't get snow in November...ugh...time to hibernate.