
Lesser-ish poems

A silent breeze stirs the gentle perfection of the day;

A leafless tree’s branches sway in time.

I look to the sky and close my eyes,

And no visions of pain impoverish me.

I am left to walk alone, unimpeded by society’s frailty;

My mind does not tell the tortures of the less fortunate.

The breeze pulls at my hair, strewing it across my face.

I am at peace.

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poetvg's picture


Raine Meadows's picture

Although an ardent feminist, I am humbled to tell you that this is the first random poem written by a woman that I have enjoyed on this site. Girls (myself included) tend to write the most monotonous 'I love you O so much!' type of poetry. It's pathetic. But I am quite impressed with your work, and I plan to check up on you regularly. Thank you.