Do you have the right to holler "Fire!" in a crowded theater?
Do you have the right to drive on the left side of the yellow line?
Do you have the right to proceed through a railway crossing when the lights are flashing?
Do you have the right to decline the tax bracket in which your income places you?
Do you have the right, if in military service, to decline an order, or walk off the post, if you disagree with the Commander in Chief, or believe that he came to power in a stolen election?
Do you have the right to damage government property (which belongs to all the People, not just you), or to cause injuries to fellow citizens and to civil servants, or to stand by smugly while this is being done, because you disagree with an election result?
Do you have the right to kidnap and brutally assault a young man, torturing him, and inflicting such injuries as will ultimately prove fatal . . . because he is Gay?
So how is your damned opposition to the vaccine different than these?
Always Two Sides to a Coin
I’m all for vaccines – but I’m also for knowing the risks, before making an informed decision. And with any medical intervention, there is always risk. For all humans have a natural variation in their physiology.
A few examples…
Illegal vaccine link to Gulf war syndrome
The Current Risks with Covid-19 Vaccines
All ten current Co-vid vaccines, are still in Phase 3 Clinical Trial. The long term data is unavailable.
According to official US government numbers, there have already been 1.7 Million reports of Adverse Vaccine Events, and nearly 89,000 Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations, and over 18,000 Vaccine Reported Deaths. And that’s just the United States.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
In percentages, it is a small risk – but human lives should never be weighed by percentages. And the willingness to take that risk with informed consent, ought to be paramount.
That’s what the The Nuremberg Code was all about
At the moment, a close
At the moment, a close relative---one of those who believes no government can tell him what to do (although, he has a perfect driving record, so he most obey signs and lines; and he pays a ton of income tax, not by choice but in compliance)---has been infected by Covid, as are two of his sons and both their wives. He can barely hold his head up, and they tell me he looks like a zombie.
As I write this, a close friend, a Church musician of profound talent, who also refused the vaccine in assertion of his rights, is about to be taken off life support at the request of him family because he is fading fast. We expect to hear sad news on Monday afternoon, barring a miracle of course. I wonder what he would think of the vaccine's risks if he knew its absence might have allowed Covid to rob him of seeing his grandchildren grow up, or of playing at any more worship services.
I took the first vaccine last Saturday. Until earlier today, it hit me hard, and the ride was rough. They tell me the second dose will hit harder, and the patch will be rougher, so I am bracing myself. Although my Faith does not allow me to fear my own death, I have seven grandchildren (only two of whom are adults) and two great-grandchildren under the age of two. Despite my spinal infliction and percolating aneurysms, it is conceivable that I could live long enough to see a great-great grandchild---given the tradition in my family of having babies while in adolescence. (Several of my grandchildren arrive in that way; my great-great grandmother, Amy Kirby, was an Indiana farmgirl who, at fifteen, ran off to New York, became a very pricey and successful outcall girl, and only left the business after giving birth, in her eighteenth year, to her only child, my great-grandmother.) I am not going to risk future Christmases with grand- and great grandkids on a fatal dose of Covid, as my dying friend has done.
Europeans, are a bit more pessimistic
That my friend, is a personal choice that all people should be free to make. In America things are a bit different, I know. But here in the UK, at least for the moment – it remains a free choice. It should never be otherwise.
Europeans, are a bit more pessimistic of government. And for good reason.
And then, there’s this… the vaccine doesn’t work.
My grandmother always said, if you want the truth… follow the money.
I ask you to please forgive
I ask you to please forgive some of the edgy tone of my previous reply to your comment. I was in shock at the news of my friend's situation and now, having received news that he passed away without being taken off the life support, I realize that in attempting to sincerely reply in the sense of having a discussion, I may have turned it into an acrimonius debate. One of the great flaws of my personality, and of my life, is that I often talk/write/reply too much without always considering the words. I have the utmost respect for you as a Poet and I should have amended and edited that previous reply before posting it.
No offence taken
No need my friend, for we are merely having an open exchange of ideas.
As I see it, what is promoted nowadays is not science – but merely the latest orthodoxy. Anyone that approaches this orthodoxy with reason, is quick to be labelled a heretic. That, in my mind – raises a few flags of concern.
For science, is not a faith-based business… but is a living animal, that only thrives with open debate. To censor and demonize open debate, is to starve that animal.
For truth is an enemy, only to tyrants… and only by open debate, does truth rise to the surface.
Therefore, the true agenda of anyone suppressing debate – is in fact, to suppress the truth.
For Truth, has but one enemy – from the Garden of Eden onward. And that enemy – is The Lie.
The Truth – does not fear The Lie.
But The Lie – fears The Truth.
And if we let The Lie stand – it becomes our ruler.
Or as put to words, by a very wise man…
“If you want to know who rules over you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize.”
― George Orwell