As you might know, I am on long-term disability from my job due to an auto-immune attack upon my lower spine resulting in a transverse myalitis which compromised my ability to walk, and the functions of some of my internal organs.
Today, my fine, upstanding and honorable employer---who never fails to seem to kick a person when they are down---notified me by phone that I will be receiving notice that my employment will be terminated, meaning I will no longer get to buy my present health insurance at an affordable rate. The COBRA rate would devour most of my long term disability income, which, thank God, will continue. I have started the process to find marketplace coverage and while it is not as prohibitively expensive per month, the co-pays are extremely expensive. I am not too proud to say that the financial disruption this wil cause enormous financial disruption to me and my family, given my continuing deterioration. I am at least twenty-eight months from qualification for Medicare.
And now that unempathetic, sociopathic real estate speculator who occupies the white house, which I am surprised has not been renamed the smite house, wants to abolish the Affordable Care Act. I wonder why. Then I look at the four years in which he has demonstrated a lack of concern for and empthy toward anyone who is not like him; or does not look like him; or does not leverage deals the way he did.
Back in the sixties and early seventies, people who objected the continued sacrifice of our soldiers in Viet Nam refused to pay that part of their income tax which was calculated as being earmarked for the Pentagon. I wish I could refuse to pay any part of my income tax that goes to support any of the executive salaries of the executive branch of our government.
In previous elections, I tried, in good conscience, to vote for those candidates who were, in my opinion, best qualified to carry out the responsibilities to which they sought election. I felt this was the most Christian way I could behave at the polls. Not now. I will not waste my vote on any candidate who belongs to the exclusionary party of Trump, or who supports him.
So I am now beset by a triple fear---for my physical health; for my family's financial stability; and for the future of our nation. The Scripture tells me that all this will work out to my, and our, good (cf. Romans 8:28). I do not pray, or ask for prayers, to persuade God, Jesus, to act in and for my good (the way the clodhoppers, with whom I used to worship, seem to think, shouting their prayers at him as if suffers hearing problems). What I pray for is my own tendency to panic. Like the father of the boy possessed by what the RSV translates as a dumb spirit, I can only cry, I believe; help my unbelief. I need to hear the words that Moses said to the Israelites at the edge of the Red Sea, Do not be afraid, stand firm, and see the deliverance that the Lord will accomplish for you today.
With respect, and gratitude in advance, I ask for your prayers.
Yes, the system is inhuman
Yes, the system is inhuman and rigged to benefit only a few. Fortunately, you've taken your case to the highest court in Heaven. You can count on my continued concern and fervent prayers.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
sending prayers of health :)
sending prayers of health :)
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.