Once in a while, a difficult condition
assails us without our consent or permission.
But that is precisely when and where
the Faithful shall me in purpose of prayer---
the very best way to demonstrate care
when distances divide
but muscular prayer will not be denied.
This is a fact, and not some wishful fluke,
as declared to us in the Holy Gospel according to Luke.
transcribed by
A refreshing and lilting
A refreshing and lilting download from the Divine. Thank you!
And thank you for making us all royalty with your priceless inspiration, tenacious faith and fine art. Here, your lyrical lifeline very appropriately celebrates the guidance you take to heart: to keep praying and not give up. (Yes, I took some liberties with the paraphrasing)
My deepest gratitude for your life-altering prayers, wisdom and encouragement.
Thank you very much. I truly
Thank you very much. I truly believe this poem was given to me, rather than composed by me, to offer to you; so, while it is offered sincerely, it does not carry a signature---because that would imply authorship, and I just do not believe I composed this poem, just transcribed it.
It's no small thing to be a
It's no small thing to be a messenger, to be a willing a vessel of hope and restoration. Certainly you'll be rewarded, but for now, just know that you made all the difference. Every happiness, every blessing to you.