Footnote: Undisturbed Water

Undisturbed water

reflects sun, moon, and stars.

Our lives can also

reflect thus; lives expressed in

flesh that is mostly water.

Mostly water, our

bodies; but the lives within

them are stormtossed:  high

winds drive high waves that thrash the

smooth calm of placidity.



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redbrick's picture

The reflection of others on

The reflection of others on the waters of our existence is quite a journal of depth and interest.

This is quite an entrancing concept more so when these others fill in their presence with intentionality or relational consummation rather than toxic consumption.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

C03ru135c3n7's picture

Thank you very much.  Far too

Thank you very much.  Far too often, I find myself to be disturbed water, storm tossed water, and that's why I take great comfort in Christ's words in Apostle Mark's Gospel, "Peace, be still."
