To ALL Of Postpoems' Poets, For Thanksgiving Day

At the approach of this year's Thanksgiving Day,

I thank God to be alive and for the privilege to say

these words to the poets who post on this site:

thanks for your verses' beauty, and wisdom, and decanted starlight.



Author's Notes/Comments: 

The last word of the last line is, also, an allusion to the site I posted on prior to Postpoems, a site called Starlite Cafe.  Random browsing brought me to it when I first went online in May, 2001.  The many rules on that site (only six poems a day, corrections---even of typos---required administrative permission; and the administration deleted certain poems from time to time) prevented a sense of community.  I met, however, a couple of very fine Poets---Lightening, and another gentleman, a locomotive operator on the Canadian Pacific Railway about to retire; both of whom wrote some very fine Christian poetry.

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lyrycsyntyme's picture

Thank you, sir. The very same

Thank you, sir. The very same to you.

J-C4113d's picture

And thank you, Sir.

And thank you, Sir.


redbrick's picture

Decanted is one of those

Decanted is one of those magical words and not just for bibbing. A blessed thanksgiving and gratitude all around; and to poets both present, past and emerging. 

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

J-C4113d's picture

Thank you, Sir.

Thank you, Sir.
