During the drive-in theater's
second film; the full darkness
of a summer, weekend night
(and the glow of the c.b.'s
facial dial just a bit dim);
all inhibitions collapse.
And although I could not see
your dark blue socks (concealed
by the tattered cuffs of your
bell-bottom jeans; your shoes on
the backseat floorboard), their fragrance
guided my momentary
search; then their warmth; then their flavor
(scent and taste unforgettable
even after these decades).
Your soft sighs confirmed the playful
success of my discovery.
Savvy use of sensory detail
Savvy use of sensory detail brings the unseen into the mind's eye in your vintage, Ad Astra style. Two words ("playful success") complete the expedition that changes everything for the rest of the speaker's life.
I suppose it goes without saying that he doesn't remember the title of that second film.
I apologize for the typo in
I apologize for the typo in the sixth line, which was just brought to my attention. I dislike typos of any kind, but in poems that you have visited and commented, typos become even more embarrassing. I am ashamed when I cannot present good keyboarding to you when you privilege me with a reading and a comment. Please forgive me.
Thank you for that comment,
Thank you for that comment, and thanks for the humor in it. And no, the title of the second film is not remembered; nor the title of the first, or of the cartoons.