I must become what surrounds me:
what and where, and when and how
it surrounds me. A cargo ship is
unimportant without freight; an
ambassador is laughable without
sash, credentials and embassy.
Claws, tentacles, mouths of serrated
teeth---and insatiable hunger;
no biological fluids are refused,
no biological fluids are enough.
No biological fluids are offered;
therefore I am always on the take.
The cosmos is all that I need for consumption.
I will become what surrounds me.
The cargo ship image struck
The cargo ship image struck me and brought me to the concept of poetry and poems that are as empty hulls, all form and shape without much substance or feeling or meaning. I guess that is how we mature and progress in life, developing more each days and perhaps that also shows in the development of our poetry and our interactions on anything and everyone poetic. As with anything in life, it is a full, unreserved engagement, like that marriage of true minds (of Sonnet 116 fame, W.S.) So we surround ourselves with what we desire to become! And therein lies the indivisible truth and power of the kosmos.
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver
Thank you very much for that
Thank you very much for that comment. As always, I very much appreciate your perspective on this.