. . . Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth . . .
---Revelation 14:13
Some have died outside the Faith.
None have died outside the Love of God through Christ.
Some have died outside the esteem of others.
Some have died into their own self-esteem---
the bottomless Pit, a swirl of steel-gray agonies,
and they scream, "Stop the steel. Stop the steel."
For the sake of our fellowship among the Faithful,
bury me near to deceased Orthodox Christians;
near to the tombs of deceased Orthodox Christians---
the redeemed of the Orthodox Church, the great congregation,
to whom the joy of Christ's gift of the common Salvation
was and is, and ever shall be, their souls' chief exultation;
those whose souls still abide
in the prayer, Let God be magnified.
J-9thxciv, an Orthodox Christian
...quite sad on one side
...quite sad on one side quite sobering on another and still solemn on another facet. Sure that as this sits and simmers it will produce so much more that the short lines first convey.
here is poetry that doesn't always conform
galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver
Thank you for those kind
Thank you for those kind words!